SESSION: Saturday 16th June at 2pm

2001: A Space Odyssey – Keir Dullea & Gary Lockwood Q&A Event

(1968, dir. Stanley Kubrick, w/ Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, William Sylvester, Daniel Richter)

2001: A Space Odyssey – Keir Dullea & Gary Lockwood Q&A Event will finish at approximately 4:37pm.

Don't miss this Melbourne Exclusive special event 70mm 50th Anniversary presentation of Stanely Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odessy featuring special guests Keir Dullea & Gary Lockwood. The duo will be appearing live for a Q&A and signing. Experience the ultimate trip with remembrances from the two performers who played the iconic roles of David Bowman and Frank Poole. Guests appear health and professional commitments not withstanding, costs apply for autographs and photos, guests appear courtesy of First Contact Conventions. (IMDB)

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