SESSION: Wednesday 2nd September at 7:30pm

The Boy Friend

(1971, dir. Ken Russell, w/ Twiggy, Christopher Gable, Max Adrian, Bryan Pringle)

The Boy Friend will finish at approximately 9:55pm.

The assistant stage manager of a small-time theatrical company (Polly Browne) is forced to understudy for the leading lady (Rita) at a matinée performance at which an illustrious Hollywood director (Cecil B. DeThrill) is in the audience scouting for actors to be in his latest "all-talking, all-dancing, all-singing" extravaganza. Polly also happens to fall in love with the leading man (Tony) and imagines several fabulous fantasy sequences in which the director is free to exercise his capacity for over-the-top visuals in this charming 1920's era flick. (IMDB)

FILM INFO 55555(Astor rating)