(2001 - 2003, dir. Peter Jackson, w/ Ian McKellen, Elijah Wood, Orlando Bloom, Viggo Mortensen,) The Lord of The Rings – Extended Edition Marathon will finish at approximately 11:43pm. Join us as we journey to Mordor together and relive one of the greatest trilogies ever made with the extended editions of Peter Jackson's The Lord of The Rings . And remember, please bring your ticket, otherwise – YOU SHALL NOT PASS!
Marathon Details:
11:00 am - The Fellowship of the Ring
/ 3.00pm - The Two Towers
/ 7:30 pm - The Return of the King
20min intervals between sessions (be sure to bring your lembas and second breakfasts). (IMDB)
The Lord of The Rings – Extended Edition Marathon
The Astor Theatre App developed by Pinion Systems.
Site created by Tyson Armstrong.