SESSION: Saturday 6th April at 6:30pm

Cinemaniacs’ screenings are accompanied by a pre-film lecture or post-film panel. These lectures and panels are presented by Melbourne’s finest film historians and critics, filmmakers and academics, making Cinemaniacs a truly unique cinema-going experience.

Cinemaniacs: The Company of Wolves

(1984, dir. Neil Jordan, w/ Sarah Patterson, Angela Lansbury, David Warner)

Rosaleen (Sarah Patterson) is a teenager, living in a country house in England with her family in the present days, and having a nightmare with wolves and werewolves in the Middle Ages. In her dream, her boring sister is dead, she lives with her father and her mother, but she spends lots of time with her lovely grandmother. Granny (Dame Angela Lansbury) tells her many stories of werewolf and gives her the following advice: "- Never stray from the path in the woods, never eat a windfall apple, and never trust a man whose eyebrows meet." One day, Rosaleen, while going to visit her grandmother, meets a handsome man and bets who would arrive first at her granny's house. Soon she finds who he is. (IMDB)

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