SESSION: Saturday 25th November at 7:30pm

The Seventh Seal

(1957, dir. Ingmar Bergman, w/ Max von Sydow, Gunnar Björnstrand, Bengt Ekerot)

A Knight and his squire are home from the crusades. Black Death is sweeping their country. As they approach home, Death appears to the knight and tells him it is his time. The knight challenges Death to a chess game for his life. The Knight and Death play as the cultural turmoil envelopes the people around them as they try, in different ways, to deal with the upheaval the plague has caused. (IMDB)

FILM INFO rating)

Winter Light

(1963, dir. Ingmar Bergman, w/ Ingrid Thulin, Gunnar Björnstrand, Gunnel Lindblom)

Winter Light will start at approximately 9:32pm, and finish at approximately 10:59pm.

On a cold winter's Sunday, the pastor of a small rural church (Tomas Ericsson) performs service for a tiny congregation; though he is suffering from a cold and a severe crisis of faith. After the service, he attempts to console a fisherman (Jonas Persson) who is tormented by anxiety, but Tomas can only speak about his own troubled relationship with God. A school teacher (Maerta Lundberg) offers Tomas her love as consolation for his loss of faith. But Tomas resists her love as desperately as she offers it to him. This is the second in Bergman's trilogy of films dealing with man's relationship with God. (IMDB)

FILM INFO 4444(IMDB rating)